ACE Adventure Blog
Excited about your upcoming trip to ACE Adventure Resort? Trying to decide if you’re ready to start your adventure this year? Are you a super fan? No matter what the circumstances this is the spot to stay in the know about all things adventure and ACE!

When is Gauley Season 2023?
Tentative 2023 Fall Gauley Season Release Dates are:
September 8th-11th, 15th-18th, 22nd-25th and 29th-30th
October 1st-2nd, 14th-15th and 21st-22nd.
Don’t wait long to book your trip because 2023 Fall Gauley Season rafting trips are already booking up!
You’re in luck if you’re visiting our thrilling West Virginia paradise during the colorful, six-week Fall Gauley season because the Lower Gauley River is the ideal whitewater rafting trip for first-timers searching for the most…
Adrenaline Deficiency affects 1 in 5 men. Don’t  be a statistic. Gauley River Rafting is the perfect cure for A.D. Rafting the GAULEY River may have some side effects including: loss of sleep, loss of appetite,…