ACE Adventure Blog
Excited about your upcoming trip to ACE Adventure Resort? Trying to decide if you’re ready to start your adventure this year? Are you a super fan? No matter what the circumstances this is the spot to stay in the know about all things adventure and ACE!

April 15, 2021
Vendors at New River Gorge Festival
Vendors at New River Gorge Festival New River Gorge Festival is happening May 14th-16th right here at ACE Adventure Resort. This weekend is packed full of fun including live music, a film festival, river trips, camping…
April 14, 2021
My First Time Rafting: The Lower New River
My First Time Rafting: The Lower New River For the past 9 years, I’ve always considered myself to be a climber. Hands and feet to rock and 50 feet in the air always seemed like…