April 28, 2023
Hope in the Hills
Hope in the Hills is on a mission to end the opiate crisis in Appalachia. They have raised over one million dollars in their effort by producing events that help connect and grow communities of recovery such as Healing Appalachia. This year ACE Adventure Resort is proud to partner with Hope in the Hills to bring you the Color Dash for Hope 5K Run. Through these events we aim to bring together folks in Appalachia, raise awareness and fundraise to build a strong and healthy community. Join their fight by supporting Hope in the Hills initiatives and events happening throughout the Appalachian region.
The roots of Hope in the Hills started on Aug. 15, 2016. The small city of Huntington, West Virginia gained international headlines when 26 people overdosed in one day. This fateful day hammered home the fact that drug overdose is the leading cause of death for people under 50 in the United States. They knew that they could not sit on the sidelines while friends and family members succumbed to the evils of opioid addiction. They decided they could impact the world best by starting at home. This small group of friends gathered kindred spirits and used their musical gifts and love of community to create a non-profit, Hope in the Hills, LLC, to produce a yearly concert of connection called: Healing Appalachia.
Healing Appalachia
Healing Appalachia has been the cornerstone event for Hope in the Hills since 2018. The purpose of the event is to raise funds and awareness as well as to celebrate achievements in recovery. Each September a talented group of musicians lead by Tyler Childers have donated their time and performances to aid in this cause. In 2022 the event welcomed over 16,000 attendees over two days to the West Virginia State Fairgrounds. Save the dates September 22nd-23rd as Healing Appalachia returns for its 4th year in Lewisburg, WV.
Giving Back to the Community
Hope in the Hills has been able to raise over a million dollars towards their cause. Immediately following Healing Appalachia in 2022 donations were made to four youth groups that helped facilitate the event. These groups were Greenbrier East High School Marching Band, Eastern Greenbrier Middle School Band, Green River Academy and the Ronceverte Lion’s Club Youth Basketball Programs. The event also benefits recovery houses such as Recovery Point who was granted a $30,000 donation last year from Hope in the Hills. This organization is a huge part of the community and sees the need to give back to local communities in Appalachia. Aside from the direct donations made to certain organizations Healing Appalachia brought in 2.4 million dollars to Lewisburg’s local economy.
Color Dash for Hope
Join Hope in the Hill’s cause and get colorful this August at ACE Adventure Resort in Oak Hill, WV. Bring your friends, start a team and run the 5K course in support of all those battling addiction. Proceeds from the event will support Hope in the Hills in their effort to end opiate addiction. Participants will receive a free Color Dash for Hope t-shirt, medals at the finish line, burrito buffet after the run, free camping Saturday night and more. Save $10 off the registration fee when you sign up before the end of May. We can’t wait to run colorfully wild with you this summer in the New River Gorge.

Chris Colin is a raft guide, whitewater kayaker, active caver, and as Special Events Coordinator at ACE he manages, promotes, and executes special events like the Mountain Music Festival.